Sunday, July 08, 2007

We went to the Cracker Barrel for breakfast this morning. The only place in the world that can turn a Sunday morning meal into a friendly competition. The golf tee-in-a-triangle game occupied most of our time and conversation. We took turns jumping tees and laughing when there would be three or 4 tees left over. I began to notice as we kept playing that we were talking less and strategizing more, and undoubtedly keeping score in our heads. After about 6-7 turns each, we both accused the other of cheating at least once, and neither of us could actually "win" the game. As we were leaving the restaurant/store I noticed they were selling the game at the register. I asked Josh if we could get one, like a 5 year old asking her daddy for a candy bar, and he looked at me and said "no" with the "I don't think that's a good idea" tone. He's probably right. Its best to leave competition at the breakfast table.
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Hey Renee and I have blogs now. Think you can keep yours up so we know whats going on over there? I expect quite a few from when mom and dad are there.
Love ya!!
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Love ya!!
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