Friday, February 09, 2007

Yesterday, Josh went out of town for a few days on a ski trip which meant the dogs were stuck with me. I didn't think I was so bad, but this picture pretty much sums it all up. Maybe I could sell it to Hallmark and they could use it on a "miss-you-haven't seen you in forever-please come back-my life stinks without you-cheer up life ain't so bad" cards. Palmer watched out that window for a long time waiting for Josh to get home. I told Josh about it and couldn't help but wonder what Palmer does when I leave or go away for a few days. Dare I ask? Why not.
Me: What does Palmer do when I leave?
Josh: Um...he likes to smell your panties.
Me: WHAT??? I'm serious.
Josh: He goes through the laundry, brings 'em out here and I have to take 'em away.
Me: Thats disgusting! And hilarious. But really disgusting. Can I write that on my blog?
Josh: Well, it's the truth.
This really doesn't suprise me since Palmer has always been obsessed with eating small articles of clothing. He also loves socks, bathing suits, boxers and tank tops. I'm just sorry I asked.