Friday, December 08, 2006

I had more than enough run-ins with Public Safety employees today.
1. The fire alarms went off at work today. They were obnoxiously loud, and we thought it was just a drill, which happens a lot. Turns out, it was not a drill, but there was no real fire, either. There was real smoke but no real danger. The fire department had to come out anyway. They arrived in their obnoxiously loud truck to make sure we were not burning down, and we weren't.
2. Driving the Honda (not my Saturn) home from work today on my way to the Doctor's office, I kindly moved over to the right lane to let a police officer pass by in order to catch all of the dangerous criminals in Knightdale, NC. Much to my suprise he got in the right lane too, right behind me and turned on his lights and obnoxiuosly loud sirens. He came to my window to report that he was issuing me a citation for expired tags and an expired inspection sticker. Thank you officer, may I get to my Doctor's appointment now?
3. On my way home from the Doctor's office (still driving the Honda) I carefully observed my spedometer. When I noticed I was not speeding, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw lights and heard obnoxiously loud sirens behind me, again. Clearly I am the most dangerous person in Knightdale, NC. I rolled down the window and handed the officer the citation I had been given an hour earlier about a mile down the road. He told me to have a good night and to drive safe. No need to see my license and expired registration.
Before today, I had never been pulled over. Today it happend, twice. I feel much safer, publicly.