Saturday, December 30, 2006

O Happy day!
Marie got married today. I met Marie in graduate school in Chicago. We hung out quite a bit and slacked off even more. We made it through and got degrees, and got jobs, and then she had to take it one step further and get married. I remember her telling me one reason she wanted to stay in chicago for her internship was becuase she felt like she might meet someone at the hospital. Good call.
We woke up this morning all running around trying to get things organized and ready so that we could make our appointment at the spa. Marie was a little stressed about the rain that was falling and threating to persist and rule out a "beautiful" day. She turned on the TV to find out the weather forecast but every channel was airing the same thing.
Marie: Well, shit. I will always remember my wedding anniversary now. The cold rainy day that Saddam Hussein was hung.
It was a beautiful day. The rain cleared up and the wedding was lovely. Congrats, Marie! Best of luck to ya!!