Sunday, October 29, 2006



There are times in my life when I get crazy ideas in my head. I rationalize situations, most of the time, and I lay out pros and cons. Some may call me impulsive and I don't think I would disagree. I sometimes make decisions that might seem out of the ordinary, but they always make sense in my head. Here's a quick recap: I moved to NC to go to college, I got a cat, I moved to Chicago to go to grad-school, I moved to Florida in the middle of a school year, I got a dog, I took a job in a nursing home when I swore it was something I would never do, I moved to Raleigh, etc. And then there is the list of items that I have bought with minimal planning before hand: cat, camera, laptop, plane tickets, iPod, dog just to name a few. While I admit that some of these decisions were less than thoroughly thought out, I can assure that I always made to sure to ask someone for advice for each and every instance mentioned. Today was no different. I had a great idea, and I needed advice. I called my sisters, and my parents, asked Josh, and called Laura. I got mixed reviews. I needed someone to tell me the truth. Someone who understands me. I picked up the phone, dialed my sisters number, and talked to Daniel. Daniel is three years old and one of the smartest people I know.

My sister: If you have thought it through, which it sounds like you have, I can't really say much.

Me: I know, but I need someone to just tell me "yes or no".

Daniel: I want to talk to my AUNT!

Me: Ask him.

My sister: Ask who? Daniel?

Me: Yes.

My sister: Daniel, do you think Aunt Chelle Chelle should get a new puppy?

Daniel: Um....Yeah. She needs one.

That was all I needed. Welcome to the family, Brooks.

He's adorable!
Send more pictures to Aftermath(open)
Care to add my site to your list?? I expect my traffic to triple afterwards.... to three people per day
Good decision.... Palmer needs a friend. Stop second quessing yourself. You are a smart, sweet young woman. Yes you will make mistakes but as long as you learn by them -- its all good!

Tammy, COTA/L
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